Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Welcome from Boho!

Hi!  Welcome to the blog, I really hope you like it!  Me and two of my besties decided that for a Mormon Young Woman project, we were going to make a modest fashion blog.  It will just centralize (oooh...big word) around fun, modest, and cute fashions, nail art, our favorite celebs, stuff like that.  In case you were wondering...not all the posts are going to be by me, there's three of us.  I go by Boho , because thats what matches my style and personality best, apparently :), the other two go by Vintage (guess her style :), and Classic (I said she was Chic, but apparently not...)
So a bit about me.....
~I love fashion
~I love my two besties...they'll be each doing an introduction, too!
~I have 38 1/2 pairs of shoes...long story :)
~I'm obsessed with art/photography stuff
~I hate math, I love english and art
...Well that's pretty much it! Again, welcome to the blog, I hope you like it!

-Boho <3

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